16 Nice Things You Can Do For The Ocean
Did you know the ocean is responsible for 50 - 85% of our atmosphere's oxygen? Do you want to know why? Phytoplankton. When our world's phytoplankton population do their thing and photosynthesize (use carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food for themselves), a byproduct is a shitload of oxygen. That is then released into the atmosphere, and we breathe it. Here is the problem. We are suffocating our oceans with plastic pollution, oil spills, overfishing, and other terrible stuff. We treat the ocean like a dumpsite. Out of sight, out of mind... right? Wrong. If the oceans die, we die. So besides writing letters to companies and the government to do something, there is a lot we can do on our personal level to help the oceans. I've made a little list. 1. Actively pick up trash on the beach if you see it. No matter how small or large... or gross. 2. Don't leave trash on the beach in the first place. It does not matter if it's "biodegradable....