Dealing With Trauma

As a teenager, I had a pretty rough life in most aspects. Not going to go into details. My one escape was music, and yes, I was in the marching band (HA! Nerd!) It gave me a family that I was comfortable with. I had something to do, a commitment after school, a distraction, a passion. Even with all this positivity around me, my life was still constantly upside down. I was resilient and kept pushing through, but I honestly didn't feel like I would make it to my 18th birthday. I guess in my subconsciousness, somewhere deep down, I believed that I could make it, because I did (I'm 21 years old now). This experience was overall positive, but I still experienced a lot of negativity from my friends and peers. We were teens, of course there will be hair pulling, finger pointing, and fighting over girls/boys. But I didn't ever get why that stuff was so important. Come now, we find out that none of that stuff we did or said when we were 15 actually matters (Yikes lol, too soon?). ...