How To Be Productive If You Feel Stuck
It can definitely feel defeating if you want to get things done at home, but can't seem to find a rhythm or routine because of outside forces. I recently took a leadership course through... you guessed it... Zoom, and I learned a few tips and tricks from the successful people in my life about how to be productive. They have been working from home for years, so I think they have it down pat. Some of these mental blocks can be a lot to get through, but it's really important to overcome and control your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you so that you can have a great day, even if you can't go outside. I know that some people who have lost their jobs have it even harder and can't seem to find a routine or purpose because there is no more schedule. Create your own schedule and find a passion project to work on. Network, talk to people, take classes online, learn something new, get a certification, etc. Think about this: Can you control this situat...